
Pioneer Seed Sales

pioneer-dupontDana and I have been selling Pioneer Brand products since 2000. We offer hybrid seed corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. With these products we also offer many services as well, including…

  • Seed treatment
  • Bulk seed delivery
  • Crop scouting
  • Yield monitor calibration
  • Mapping

optimum-aqua-max…and any agronomic support you may need. We have a great group of support within our Pioneer family, so if we can’t find an answer for you we will find someone that can. We take a lot of pride in offering these great products and services.

Fungicides & Applications

planeWe offer a full line of fungicides, insecticides, and adjuvants. We have teamed up with a local aerial applicator to apply these products. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Crop Insurance

rural-community-insurance-servicesWe offer a full line of crop insurance products including multi-peril, hail, green snap, and wind insurance. Please call us with any questions.


Grass & Small Grain Sales

grass-seedWe can provide you with almost any kind of grass seed that you may need. Whether it be oats, bromegrass, rye grain, or any kind of mix we can get our hands on it for you. We also specialize in cover crops and applications of these cover crops as well. We can either drill these cover crops or apply with an airplane. As always, please call us with any questions.